首页> 企业名录> 河南省永信板业有限公司

最后更新时间: 2023/1/26 4:47:22

河南省永信板业从事pc(聚碳酸酯)阳光板,耐力板,pc瓦楞板等热塑型板材的定制生产与销售。公司产品采用Bayer、GE等原料,可定制实心板宽度:1220-2100mm;厚度:1.2-12mm;阳光板宽度2100mm.厚度3mm-20mm;长度不限。产品经化学建材质量监督检测,各项指标符合标准。所销售的阳光板、耐力板具有良好抗冲击、隔热、隔音、采光、阻燃等优点,经防火建筑材料质量监督检测,按gb8624-1997标准,产品燃烧性能达到难燃b1级。pc板材广泛应用于现代商业建筑的内外装修、装饰,温室天棚、高速公路及城市高架路隔音屏障,路牌、灯箱及展示展览布置,是目前理想的工程塑料之一。 河南省永信板业秉承质量、诚信为本,和谐共赢的经营理念,致力于满足每一位客户的需求。只有客户满意,才有我们发展的动力。公司不断完善企业管理,以优良的产品,让每一个客户买的放心,用的安心。通过经营策略优势整合,形成一种集采购、加工、零售、物流配送于一体的服务模式,实现为客户提供一揽子需求解决方案。 主要产品: pc阳光板.pc耐力板.pc磨砂板.pc颗粒板.pc多层阳光板.pc防雾滴温室阳光板.pc浪板.pc采光罩.frp采光板,亚克力板等产品。 Henan Yongxin board industry is engaged in the customized production and sales of thermoplastic plates such as PC (polycarbonate) sunshine board, endurance board and PC corrugated board. The companys products are made of American Bayer, German Ge and other raw materials, and the width of solid plate can be customized: 1220-2100mm; Thickness: 1.2-12mm; The width of sunlight board is 2100mm Thickness: 3mm-20mm; Unlimited length. All quality indicators of building materials are in conformity with the chemical inspection standards. The sunshine board and endurance board sold have the advantages of good impact resistance, heat insulation, sound insulation, daylighting, anti purple Wai line, flame retardant and so on. After the * heart test in the quality supervision and inspection of fire-proof building materials, according to the standard of GB8624-1997, the combustion performance of the product reaches the level of flame retardant B1. PC board is widely used in the interior and exterior decoration and decoration of modern commercial buildings, the noise barrier of greenhouse ceiling, expressway and urban elevated road, and the layout of road signs, light boxes and exhibiti**. It is one of the ideal engineering plastics at present. Henan Yongxin board industry adheres to the business philosophy of quality, integrity-based, harmony and win-win, and is committed to meeting the needs of every customer. Only when customers are satisfied can we have the driving force for our development. The company continues to improve its enterprise management and make every customer feel at ease when buying and using high-quality products. Through the integration of business strategy advantages, a service mode integrating procurement, processing, retail and logistics distribution is formed to provide customers with a package of demand soluti**. Main products: PC sun board PC endurance board PC frosted board PC particle board PC multi-layer sunlight board PC anti fog drop greenhouse sunlight board PC wave board PC glow shield FRP daylighting board, acrylic board and other products.









企业类型 有限责任公司 经营模式 -
注册资本 0万人民币 员工人数 -
企业注册地 河南-郑州 经营方向 销售
成立时间 2018 主营行业 橡塑-塑料板
主要经营地点 河南省郑州市中牟工业园区
主营产品或服务 PC耐力板,PC阳光板,耐力板,PC瓦,温室阳光板,蜂窝状阳光板


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