首页> 企业名录> 西安科讯自动化控制系统有限公司

最后更新时间: 2024/3/10 4:53:51

西安科讯自动化控制系统有限公司(简称科讯自动化)是专业从事国内外自动化工程设计、软硬件安装、工艺调试及售前咨询售后服务的自动化解决方案提供商。公司拥有经验丰富的工程师队伍,熟悉自动化企业的工艺和流程,能够为客户提供完整的自动化工程解决方案。 科讯自动化致力于工业自动化控制领域。专门从事电气自动化,PLC控制系统,系统集成,无线远程监控,集设计、技术服务咨询,为客户提供工业自动化控制系统的设计、系统集成、现场安装、调试等系统服务。 科讯自动化以为用户量身订制专有的自动化解决方案为使命。全力打造属于用户专有的自动化应用平台。快速提供定制化的产品,服务及解决方案、目前我们的自动化技术已经涵盖了控制、驱动、人机交互、通讯以及机电一体化等多个方面。与国际**自动化企业西门子、ABB、罗斯蒙特、E+H、恒河、艾默生等企业签订合作协议框架。为客户提供更完善,更优质的自动化控制系统整体解决方案。 我们为广大客户提供不同层次、不同形式的软硬件一体化解决方案。以满足日益增长的多样化客户需求。公司自成立以来、先后为煤化、冶金、石油化工、热电、生物制药、环保、烟草、水利、市政等行业提供了优质的自动化技术服务。 Xian Kexun Automation Control System Co. , Ltd. (Kexun Automation for short) is a professional in domestic and foreign automation design, hardware and software installation, process commissioning and pre-sales C**ulting after-sales service automation soluti** provider. The company has an experienced team of engineers who are familiar with the processes and procedures of the automation industry and are able to provide customers with complete automation soluti**. Kexun automation is committed to the field of industrial automation control. Specializing in electrical automation, PLC CONTROL SYSTEM, system integration, wireless remote monitoring, integrated design, technical service c**ulting, to provide customers with industrial automation control system design, system integration, field installation, commissioning and other system services. Kexun automation has a mission of customizing proprietary automation soluti** for its users. Make full efforts to build a user-specific automation application platform. AUTOMATION OFFERS FAST CUSTOMISATION OF PRODUCTS, services and soluti**. Currently our automation covers control, drivers, human computer interaction, communicati** and mechatronics engineering. Signed Cooperation Agreement Framework with Siemens, ABB, Rosemount, e + H, Ganges, Emerson, etc. . To provide customers with more perfect, higher-quality automation control system overall solution. We provide customers with different levels, different forms of hardware and software integration soluti**. To meet the growing diversity of customer demand. Since its inception, has been for coal, metallurgy, petrochemical, thermal power, bio-pharmaceutical, environmental protection, tobacco, water, municipal and other industries to provide quality automation services.









企业类型 有限责任公司 经营模式 -
注册资本 500万人民币 员工人数 10-23
企业注册地 陕西-西安 经营方向 销售
成立时间 2021 主营行业 仪器仪表-物位仪表-液位仪表
主要经营地点 陕西省西安市莲湖区高新二路2号山西证券大厦11层11C024
主营产品或服务 科讯自动化,工业自动化,自控系统集成,过程工业自动化,分析仪表
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