首页> 企业名录> Britec电气有限公司

最后更新时间: 2023/1/27 11:49:56

Britec Electric specialized in research and development of lightening protection devices. The new series of surge protection device Type 1 and Type 2 and Type 3,BR PV and SPDs for Data offer the market with a new choice of high quality surge arresters.   Britec export circuit protection and motor control products as we have 15 years experiences in this field.   Fully understand the ISO9000 quality management system, the company strictly control the supplier and material for production, the assembly process is standardized and the final checking to be done automatically.   With strict quality control, our products can compete with top brands in the market. We are looking for agents and distributors for our products and is willing to accept OEM orders for customers with same mentality.








企业类型 个体经营 经营模式 生产加工
注册资本 0万人民币 员工人数 -
企业注册地 浙江-温州 经营方向 销售
成立时间 2011 主营行业 电工电气-工控系统及装备-保护器
主要经营地点 中国浙江乐清向阳工业园区
主营产品或服务 过载保护装置,过载保护,电气
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