首页> 兰州油改气【13369460186】兰州利康商贸车辆燃气安装 > 新闻动态> 兰州油改气套件专业知识

更新时间: 2023/7/4 3:43:36

兰州油改气套件专业知识兰州油改气【13369460186】兰州汽车油改气,兰州私家车油改气。兰州油改气套件越来越普遍,可当车主进入改装店后,面对不同的报价,非常迷茫。形成这样的原因是消费者的专业知识太缺乏,那么车主在改气的时候需要了解哪些知识呢?    Ji'nan oil to gas kit is becoming more and more common, but when the owners into the remodeled stores, face a different price, very confused. The formation of such reason is lack of c**umer knowledge, so the owners need to know what knowledge when to gas?    首先是套件,套件是改气品质的基础,早期的单点装置(可以理解为化油器喷射装置)已逐渐被多点装置(可以理解为电喷装置)所代替。多点装置的核心是ECU,它是控制燃气装置的中枢,ECU软件运算**性是决定改装后效果的关键。所以消费者在选择套件时,要查看此套件是否具有软件注册证。如果提供不上来,就有可能是盗版软件,而装了盗版软件的套件由于不掌握软件的原代码,所以效果不稳定,长时间使用会出现问题。除此之外,还可以查看套件是否具备欧盟(CE)、美国(DOT)认证,这些认证是产品在欧盟销售的门槛,因为欧美对产品有更高的质量要求,所以消费者可以放心使用。    The first is a suite, suite is the foundation to gas quality, single point device early (can be understood as the carburetor jetting device) has gradually been more device (can be understood as the electronic device) replaced. Core point device is ECU, it is the central control device for gas, ECU software calculation accuracy is the key of the modified effect. So c**umers in choosing a suite, to view this suite is a software registration certificate. If not, there may be pirated software, installed pirated software suite because they do not have the software source code, so the effect is not stable, long time use will have problems. In addition, you can also view the suite with EU (CE), the United States of America (DOT) certification, the certification of products sold in the European Union for Europe and the United States have threshold, higher quality requirements for products, so c**umers can rest assured that the use of.    其次是气瓶,作为压力容器,安全要求必须保证万无一失。目前在济南市场大约有20多个品牌的车用气瓶,这些气瓶都是国家质量技术监督局认可的产品,也就是说这些气瓶是具备准入资格的。除了国家质量技术监督局的准入门槛外,还有更为严格的行业认证。如汽车配件质量体系认证(TS16949),此认证对气瓶生产厂的设备、规模检验有苛刻的要求。    The second is the cylinder, as pressure vessel, safety requirements must ensure that no danger of anything going wrong. At present in Ji'nan market about a cylinder by more than 20 brands of cars, these cylinders are the State Bureau of quality and Technical Supervision approved products, that is to say these cylinders are equipped with admittance. In addition to the State Bureau of quality and technical supervision admittance threshold, and more stringent industry certification. Such as auto parts quality system certification (TS16949), the certification of gas production plant equipment, scale test have stringent requirements.兰州油改气,兰州汽车油改气,兰州私家车油改气。兰州油改气网站:http://www.lzlksm.jqw.com 兰州油改气,兰州汽车油改气,兰州私家车油改气,技术经理:黄经理13369460186











企业类型 个体经营 经营模式 -
注册资本 0万人民币 员工人数 -
企业注册地 甘肃-兰州 经营方向 销售
成立时间 2018 主营行业 汽摩及配件-燃油系统
主要经营地点 兰州利康商贸有限公司责任公司
主营产品或服务 兰州利康油改气,兰州利康汽修,兰州利康商贸有限公司责任公司,兰州油改气,油改气


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