首页> USB协议分析仪13926526199-深圳市元锋科技有限公司 > 产品展示> HDPQ®Xplorer

最后更新时间: 2023/7/30 3:11:17

价格 电议
发货地 广东-深圳
型号 -
总量 -
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先生 女士

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The Dranetz HDPQ® Xplorer (portable) and Dranetz HDPQ Xplorer SP (IP65) power quality analyzers represent the top of the line in the Dranetz HDPQ family of products and offers you simply the best PQ monitoring available from Dranetz, or any other manufacturer! The Dranetz HDPQ Xplorer family includes all of the features of the Dranetz HDPQ Visa and Guide power quality instruments, but also adds high speed transient capture capabilities, so you’ll never miss an event!
The Dranetz HDPQ Xplorer and Dranetz HDPQ Xplorer SP are the exact same instrument, but are in different enclosures. The Dranetz HDPQ Xplorer is a true hand-held portable instrument with a built in 7″, tablet-like touch LCD display. The Dranetz HDPQ Xplorer SP has the same measurement and communicati** capabilities, but is housed in an IP65 enclosure without an LCD display. The IP65 enclosure of the Dranetz HDPQ Xplorer SP greatly expands the applicati** of the Dranetz HDPQ Xplorer into outdoor and harsh environments, along with other applicati** where an LCD display is undesirable.
The Dranetz HDPQ Xplorer family of power quality instruments offers you the best in class monitoring capabilities available. It measures to all current industry standards, including IEC 61000-4-30 Class A, IEC 61000-4-7, IEEE 1159, IEEE 519, IEEE 1459, and more. With its high speed transient data capture (1 microsecond/channel) capabilities, this 8-channel workhorse simultaneously captures and characterizes thousands of parameters, by using a range of standard and customizable operating modes. The unique measurement capabilities include capture of low-medium-high frequency transients through peak, waveshape, rms duration and adaptive high-speed sampling, as well as power measurements to clearly characterize harmonics, non-sinusoidal, and unbalanced systems. The Intelligent AnswerModule® feature provides c**ultant-like analysis of sag directivity, capacitor switching transient identification/directivity and motor analysis/reporting.











USB协议分析仪|USB2.0 OTG协议分析仪|USB3.0协议分析仪|USB PD协议分析仪|蓝牙协议分析仪深圳市元锋科技有限公司-YFTECH(杨经理:13926526199)是一家综合性的电子测试测量仪器仪表及系统集成解决......
企业类型 私营独资企业 经营模式 -
注册资本 500万人民币 员工人数 10-50
企业注册地 广东-深圳 经营方向 销售
成立时间 2016 主营行业 仪器仪表-气体分析仪
主要经营地点 深圳市宝安区宝安大道3016号富星通大厦701
主营产品或服务 深圳USB协议分析仪,USB2.0协议分析,USB3.0协议分析,USB PD协议分析,USB分析仪,USB测试仪

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