首页> 上海伟务低温真空设备有限公司> 产品展示> EH250 Blower Electromotors Mechanical Booster Pump

最后更新时间: 2023/3/23 11:00:01

价格 电议
发货地 上海-上海
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EH250 Blower Electromotors Mechanical Booster Pump

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EH250 Blower Electromotors Mechanical Booster Pump

H Mechanical Booster Pumps

The EH range is ideal for use with high differential pressures, allowing the booster pump to be started at the same time as the backing pump, reducing your total pump down times and making your operati** simpler. 

Pump-down times cut by up to 50%

Our patented hydrokinetic drive allows the booster to operate from atmospheric pressure. The total evacuation time can be reduced by as much as 50% as the booster can assist in pump down from the very beginning, saving you valuable process time. The HK drive allows for the pump to automatically slow down at higher pressures preventing the pump from over-heating.  

Robust operation even for harsh duties

Our proven shaft seal design helps protect the pumping mechanism and gearbox from cross-contamination with even your harshest applicati**. EH booster pumps are not damaged by sudden increases of inlet pressure helping you to avoid unscheduled breakdowns and improve overall process performance.

Automatic overload protection

The varying rotational speed of the pump protects the motor from overload and over-heating for longer-life operation. The built-in hydrokinetic drive automatically allows the pump to operate with high-pressure differentials, making this a highly flexible workhorse.

Simplicity with reduced installation costs

With an EH booster pump, you do not need by-pass lines, pressure switches or inverters reducing the overall installation costs. With a reliable and robust hydrokinetic drive, you get the advantage of a simple and easy installation with minimal maintenance

Get in touch with us for more inf











企业类型 股份有限公司 经营模式 -
注册资本 300万人民币 员工人数 6-7
企业注册地 上海-上海 经营方向 销售
成立时间 2010 主营行业 机械设备-泵-真空泵
主要经营地点 上海
主营产品或服务 低温泵,冷泵,真空计,InstruTech,Televac,Swagelok

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