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更新时间: 2023/8/8 9:16:00

1. 1  发射主机SV-IR60P
★连接简单快捷,降低工程难度也减少工程费用 。

A. IR Transmission main unitSV-IR60P
1.High security, prevent external interference.
2.Suitable for different conference hall
3.Automatic level control function (ALC).
4.No disturb under daylight lamp
5.Easy to operate and save in project cost
6.With the most advanced technology
7.Elegant configuration in accordance to ergonomics
8.Input channel direct function
9.Has 12CH interpreter’s voice for record
10.Installed in a 19-inch frame
1. 2  发射单元SV-IR60S
B. IR Radiator SV-IR60S
1.Radiates & distributes up to 12 channels of audio signal
2.Auto switched on/off by carrier signals from transmission main unit
3.Auto gain control to ensure diodes with max. efficiency
4.Convection cooled for noiseless, reliable operation
5.Mounted on ceiling, wall, floor stand or optional tripod
6.Easily daisy-chained together to expand coverage
7.Half radiator angle: ±22°


1. 3  译员单元SV-TP200

C. Interpreter Unit SV-TP200
1.Design by the latest technology.
2.Work with headset earphone
3.12CH simultaneous interpretation.
4.Easy to operate, just with a single press.
5.IR Transmit main unit could connect 12 interpreter’s units.
6.Voice adjustable and with prevention on feedback
7.Ensure that every channel is correspondent to the RELAY function respectively. In case the interpreter couldnt understand the speakers language, he could switch to other channel to listen another interpreters voice and then interpret it.
8.Delegates speak too fast; give a request for slow the speed.
9.Automatic numbering on system units
10.Prevention on interpreters cough
11.More people could take part in the conference when system is connected with IR language distribution system
12.One interpreters unit can be used for two interpreters in turn.
1. 4  接收单元  SV-IR100/200  接听耳机 SV-TE100/200
★有压缩功能(噪音小,无破音,动态范围宽) 。
D. IR Receiver SV-IR100
1.Pocket size wireless handheld unit
2.Accommodates up to 12 different languages
3.Channel selector and headphone connector
4.Power on/off switch and volume level control
5.Powered by rechargeable batteries
6.Aluminum carrying cases provided for receivers
7.Volume, channel and signal level display on LCD
1. 5 充电箱SV-CT24/78
★尺寸: 62×39×32 cm。拉手高:39 cm
★供电电压: AC 220V/50Hz。
E. Rechargeable Storage Box SV-CT24
1. Dimension: 45.5×32×34 cm
2. Used to recharge the IR receivers
3. Power supply: 110V/220V 50Hz











企业类型 有限责任公司 经营模式 -
注册资本 500万人民币 员工人数 50-400
企业注册地 四川-成都 经营方向 销售
成立时间 2009 主营行业 办公文教-文化办公设备-视讯会议系统
主要经营地点 成都市武侯区锦绣路1号保利中心C座19层1906、1907号
主营产品或服务 中央控制器,会议系统,专业矩阵,触摸屏,扩声系统,液晶升降器
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