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更新时间: 2023/8/22 4:56:19

Thrust ball bearing is separable including a shaft washer(fit with journal) a housing washer(fit with bearing block)a group of steel balls and a cage which make it very convenient to fit with journal and bearing block respectively. Cages: Cages of thrust ball bearing are pressed steel cages machined solid cages made of brass or bronze special fabric reinforced phenolic resin cages and etc. Single direction thrust ball bearings Single direction thrust ball bearings can only be used to carry axial load in one direction but radial loas.It can make an axial location in one direction. Single direction thrust ball bearings have planar housing washer and self-aligning seat washer. Generally planar housing washer can not allow any angular error; however when designing bracing structures a gap of 0.5??1mm between the outer diameter of housing washer and the fitting surface of bearing block can be kept out to correct the angular errors which would be made when mounting. Attention please aligning housing washer need to be ordered additionally. Double-direction thrust ball bearings can carry axial loads in double directi** but it can not carry radial load. Double-direction thrust ball bearings can make axial locati** in two directi**. Double-direction thrust ball bearings also have planar housing washer and aligning seat washer. Generally planar housing washer can not allow any angular error; however when designing bracing structures a gap of 0.5??1mm between the outer diameter of housing washer and the fitting surface of bearing block can be kept out to correct the angular errors which would be made when mounting. Self-aligning housing washer need to be ordered and manufactured additionally.











企业类型 有限责任公司 经营模式 生产加工
注册资本 10000万人民币 员工人数 101-500
企业注册地 河南-洛阳 经营方向 销售
成立时间 1998 主营行业 五金工具-轴承-其他轴承
主要经营地点 洛龙科技园区关林西路19号
主营产品或服务 圆柱滚子轴承,圆锥滚子轴承,转盘轴承,轧机轴承,角接触球轴承

[CHG] Thrust ball bearings相关产品推荐

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