首页> 北京麦田数码科技有限公司 > 供求信息> Antelope Audio Orion 32+

更新时间: 2023/10/14 10:02:15

:148-0362713     TEL:186-00607968   项目经理:博乐 供应销售Antelope全线产品!   音频设备  录音棚项目 业务洽谈! Antelope Orion32+ new for AES2015   The Antelope Audio Orion32+ carries on an incredible tradition established by the original Orion32 just 3 years ago, when it become the dominate high channel count interface on the market and broke the barriers of what a USB Interface and a 1U rack could offer.  Orion32+ now features Thunderbolt, with extremely low latency without defeating Power Management in the Mac OS, keeping fan noise low on a MacBook Pro under recording situati**.  There is also a new TRS 1/4" Monitor Out, in addition to the 32 Outputs on D-Sub connecti**, making it easier than ever to connect a pair of studio monitors via a monitor volume controller, such as Antelope''s own Satori Monitor Controller. There is also a new software control panel, featuring FX such as Antelope''s recently introduced AuroVerb hardware quality reverb, that run on the internal DSP of the Orion32+.  Orion32+ has improved dynamic range to live up the the ever changing needs of the modern recording studio that Antelope is helping to reinvent with it''s many new products in recent years. Features  •Includes all features of Orion32  •Improved dynamic range over Orion32  •Stereo Monitor output (mastering grade)  •On-board DSP Engine (includes new AuraVerb)  •Thunderbolt & USB











企业类型 个体经营 经营模式 -
注册资本 100万人民币 员工人数 5-10
企业注册地 北京-北京 经营方向 销售
成立时间 2009 主营行业 传媒广电-专业录音放音设备-录音设备
主要经营地点 中海安德鲁斯203-205
主营产品或服务 录音棚,调音台,广电会议,音箱话筒,效果器,压缩器

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