首页> 深圳市铭科科技有限公司> 供求信息> 微射流金刚石交互容腔

更新时间: 2023/10/23 1:50:02

产品名称:  微射流金刚石交互容腔产品型号:  DIXC Y-type Diamond Interaction Chamber:               F12Y, F20Y, N40Y, J30Y, J20Y for M210,               F20Y-12, F20Y-13, F20-Y-17 for M610               H10Z, G10Z, H30Z, E230Z, H230Z产品展商:  Genizer产品产地: 美国彩页下载:  http://www.genizer.com/upload/file/Y-type_Chamber_English.pdf产品特点:Y-Type Diamond Compatible Interaction Chamber up to 45,000psi. Longer  Warranty  time.简单介绍:Y-type Diamond Interaction Chambers have the highest durability and performance. The chambers use high pressure connecti** (1/4" and 3/8" 60,000 psi) from HIP Company which is fully compatible with the Microfluidizers. Besides Microfluidizer, we provide Y-type Diamond interaction Chambers with various high pressure connecti**, which are fully compatible and interchangeable with the nozzles of BEE International as well as Avestin, with the advantage of greater durability and a longer warranty. Y-Type Diamond Interaction Chamber features real-time cooling, which provides unmatched heat exchange efficiency. Without chamber cooling, the outside temperature of a working chamber can exceed 80ºC and much higher from the inside, which reduces the quality of the product. For example, in the pharmaceutical industry, an overheated chamber leads to the formation of oversized particles. Particles in the parenteral > 5 micr** (µm) or PFAT5 > 0.05% are not favored by the FDA and United States Pharmacop** (USP) 729. During cell disruption, protein activity will also be compromised. Further, the real-time cooling chamber is a better choice for preparation of Emulsified Fuel in the safer temperature. The traditional method cools the chamber by immersing it entirely in cooling liquid, but the chamber''s thick steel cover makes this an ineffective solution.Y型Z型金刚石交互容腔经过表面电抛光和内部制药级别钝化处理,可以用于Microfluidizer, BEE, Avestin 等各型均质机。


华南地区经销维修商: 深圳市铭科科技有限公司

公司地址: 深圳市龙岗平湖华南城华利嘉电子广场A座11层

公司网址: http:// www.zhaoyq.com

公司联系人: 胡经理

联系电话: 13510363788

联系邮箱: hfp@mk988.com; Genizer@163.com












企业类型 有限责任公司 经营模式 -
注册资本 - 员工人数 -
企业注册地 广东-深圳 经营方向 采购
成立时间 2018 主营行业 机械设备-塑料机械-加料再生破碎机
主要经营地点 深圳市龙岗平湖华南城华利嘉电子广场A座11层
主营产品或服务 实验室设备仪器和试剂,高压均质机nanogenizer,脂质体挤出器


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