首页> 厦门亚田兴贸易有限公司 > 新闻动态> Xiamen Ya Tian Xing Trade Limited company introduces

更新时间: 2023/1/13 3:45:42

Yu Chun Spring was originally an industry following traditional selling channels.  In view of the rapid development of network technology as well as its far-reaching and ubiquitous characteristics, Yu Chun started to add the idea of e-sale to our business operation.  After our product technology manager had made frequent and cautious discussi** with the internal staff, a website of Yu Chun was established, leading the company of traditional business model to step into the internet world.  From now on, Yu Chun will offer more direct and more convenient services to customers.

Operation Concept

Towards the piece of land, Yu Chun takes a very positive attitude, “what we take from the society are returned to the society,” and works hard to achieve our goals,  “just as we would like to benefit ourselves, we should allow others to benefit themselves; and just as we seek to understand things, we should allow others the same opportunity.” Yu Chun is sure that the enterprise will make contribution to the society and the country.

Internally, Yu Chun emphasizes coordination and cooperation among staff, stresses teamwork and makes great effort to meet the needs of customers.  Externally, we cooperate with our upperstream and lowerstream businesses to acoomplish integrated marketing, pursue mutual interests, and facilitate the prosperous development of spring industry in Taiwan.

Our staff are always regarded as the precious assets of Yu Chun.  While assisting them in the growth of their technical knowledge and skills, we encourage them to be creative and aggressive in their work.  Of course we always respect their dignity at work, and value the rights and benefits they have.  We expect them to have the same ideals as our company’s, and contribute their efforts to their work.

We continuously raises our working efficiency, improves our operation procedures and strengthens our overall performance so as to achieve our business goals successfully.











厦门亚田兴贸易有限公司:生产畜牧类自动化送料系统用绞龙、钢索输送带及各行业用弹簧,产品源于台湾,质量深的客户信赖! 台湾宇钧弹簧本是传统通路的產业,有感於网路科技的发展迅速,无远弗届的特殊性。因此兴起网路销售的念头,经產品技术经......
企业类型 港澳台商独资经营企业 经营模式 -
注册资本 0万人民币 员工人数 -
企业注册地 福建-厦门 经营方向 销售
成立时间 2014 主营行业 机械设备-农业机械
主要经营地点 厦门市海沧区古楼农场古楼社66-2号
主营产品或服务 自动化送料系统用钢索,自动化送料系统用绞龙,弹簧批发,钢索,绞龙,弹簧厂家,钢索生产厂家,绞龙生产商

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