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更新时间: 2023/10/3 4:57:32

FD NeuroTechnologies, Inc.是一家专注于中枢神经系统形态学研究的领先的生物技术公司。公司自1996年成立以来,为国内外联邦实验室、科研院所、制药公司和生物技术公司提供产品和服务。作为神经组织学、神经组织病理学及免疫组织化学领域的专家,我们提供的产品和服务的质量、效率、灵活性及低廉的价格获得科学界的公认。FD NeuroTechnologiesFD NeuroTechnologies, Inc. is one of the leading biotechnology companies dedicated to the morphological studies of the central nervous system. Since our establishment in 1996, our products and services have been utilized by federal laboratories, academic research institutions, pharmaceutical companies, and biotechnology companies, both nationally and internationally. As experts in the fields of neurohistology, neurohistopathology, and immunohistochemistry, we have been acknowledged in the scientific community for the quality, efficiency, flexibility, and cost effectiveness of our products & services.部分产品价格信息:PK401A FD Rapid GolgiStain™ Kit 125ml FD NEURO TECHNOLOGIES 5600  PK401 FD Rapid GolgiStain™ Kit 250ml FD NEURO 7350Kit contents:Store at room temperatureSolution A 125 mlSolution B 125 ml Solution C 125 ml x 2 Solution D 125 ml Solution E 125 ml Glass Specimen Retriever 2 Natural hair paintbrush 3 Dropping bottle 1 User Manual 1Materials required but not included:Double distilled or deionized water.Plastic or glass tubes or vials.Histological supplies and equipment, including gelatin-coated microscope slides, coverslips, staining jars, ethanol, xylene or xylene substitutes, resinous mounting medium (e.g. Permount®), and a light microscope.References:Corsi P. (1987) Camillo Golgi’s morphological approach to neuroanatomy. In Masland RL, Portera-Sanchez A and Toffano G (eds.), Neuroplasticity: a new therapeutic tool in the CNS pathology, pp 1-7. Berlin: Springer.Ramón-Moliner E. (1970) The Golgi-Cox technique. In Nauta WJH and Ebbesson SOE (eds.), Contemporary Methods in Neuroanatomy. pp 32-55, New York: Springer.Graveland GA, Williams RS, and DiFiglia M. (1985) Evidence for degenerative and regenerative changes in neostriatal spiny neurons in Huntington’s disease. Science. 227:770-3.Robinson TE, and Kolb B. (1997) Persistent structural modification in nucleus accumbens and prefrontal cortex neurons produced by previous experience with amphetamine. J. Neurosci. 17:8491-7.Glaser ME, and Van der Loos H. (1981) Analysis of thick brain sections by obverse-reverse computer microscopy: application of a new, high clarity Golgi-Nissl stain. J. Neurosci. Meth. 4:117-25.







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注册资本 - 员工人数 -
企业注册地 经营方向
成立时间 主营行业
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