首页> 厦门奇声电子科技有限公司 18859217250> 产品展示> 帝夫RT-10 Gold

最后更新时间: 2023/9/24 11:51:09

价格 电议
发货地 福建-厦门
型号 -
总量 -
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帝夫RT-10 Gold

先生 女士

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帝夫RT-10 Gold

RT-10 is a two tone Hi-Fi class near-field full frequency loudspeaker system. The bass unit adopts DIF R1075T-1, and the high pitch unit adopts DIF D145-1 high quality HIFI grade quality. Under the rated condition, the loudspeaker power is measured to be 350 watts, and the peak music power can reach 700W. In order to take into account the needs of listening to high-quality music, singing and timely singing, we have developed and implemented the technology of variable frequency gain variable compensation. When singing, the accompaniment music is soft, and the singer''s voice is full and transparent. In the dance, the drum with heavy metal Madden wild surrounded, enough to let you enjoy the immersive HI. All this is achieved without the subwoofer, which requires our high and low bass drivers themselves to have extraordinary qualities. Plus a good frequency division network design and selected electronic components, of course, a solid box structure is also essential. In order to effectively reduce the sharp and difficult sound emitted by the high frequency odd harmonics, we have carefully calculated and repeated the simulation experiments on the thickness of the sound box, the size of the mesh, the coordination of the blasting sea cotton, so that the sound replay can achieve the best effect. In the installation and hanging of products, our RT series of products have made all kinds of hanging installation accessories, not only convenient to install, but also effectively strengthen the sturdy and safety of the structure of the box. RT series products are suitable for all kinds of high-end bars, private clubs, private villas, restaurants, small multi-function rooms, etc.




厦门奇声电子科技有限公司 18859217250






厦门奇声电子科技有限公司 18859217250

厦门奇声电子科技有限公司位于美丽的滨海厦门市,电话:18859217250(百度首页排名网站推广合作电话18250288802同微信)奇声电子科技旗下产品主要包括 声邦 (SBON)品牌专业KTV音箱、功放、专业舞台音响等研发生产......
企业类型 私营独资企业 经营模式 -
注册资本 100万人民币 员工人数 20-200
企业注册地 福建-厦门 经营方向 销售
成立时间 2004 主营行业 生活服务-本地生活服务-其他
主要经营地点 福建厦门厦门市同安区西柯镇潘涂三落里79号厂房
主营产品或服务 厦门ktv音响厂家,专业音响,专业KTV音响,舞台音响设备,专业音箱设备,专业音箱

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