首页> 厦门奇声电子科技有限公司 18859217250> 产品展示> K7


最后更新时间: 2023/9/24 11:59:59

价格 电议
发货地 福建-厦门
型号 -
总量 -
最小起订量 -






先生 女士

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Technical data: 1、This series of products is a Cara OK effector with speaker processor function. Every part of functi** can be independently adjustable。 2、Using 24Bit data bus and 32Bit DSP。 3、The MUSIC input channel has 15 stages of parameter equalization. It has high and low pass regulation, multiple slope selectable, and has the function of tone sandhi at the same time。 4、2 groups of MIC input, 1 and 2MIC as a group, 3MIC as a group, front and back microphone 15 segments of the parameter EQ independent adjustment, each group has high and low regulation, a variety of slope opti**, open microphone noise door, the user can choose freely. 5、The main output, the mid output, the rear output and the ultra woofer output are equipped with 8 stage parametric equalization, and the high and low pass can be adjusted arbitrarily, with multiple slopes. 6、The main output, the middle output, the post output and the ultra low voice output can be set as: singing, hot dancing or automatic mode. 7、The reverberation and echo have 3 stages of parametric equilibrium. 8、The output of each channel has 0 to 100ms delay. 9、The microphone has 3 stages of feedback inhibition, and OFF/ON can be selected. 10、The main output, the middle output, the ultra woofer output, and the post output are all equipped with the pressure limit and the time delay function. 11、16 modes can be stored. 12、There are management mode and user mode: management mode can''t be stored after adjusting parameters. 13、This machine is equipped with the all-around power menu, and it can also be set through the PC interface. This machine can connect to the computer, and it can be connected by data line or WIFI. 14、This machine PC interface is not installed and drive free.




厦门奇声电子科技有限公司 18859217250






厦门奇声电子科技有限公司 18859217250

厦门奇声电子科技有限公司位于美丽的滨海厦门市,电话:18859217250(百度首页排名网站推广合作电话18250288802同微信)奇声电子科技旗下产品主要包括 声邦 (SBON)品牌专业KTV音箱、功放、专业舞台音响等研发生产......
企业类型 私营独资企业 经营模式 -
注册资本 100万人民币 员工人数 20-200
企业注册地 福建-厦门 经营方向 销售
成立时间 2004 主营行业 生活服务-本地生活服务-其他
主要经营地点 福建厦门厦门市同安区西柯镇潘涂三落里79号厂房
主营产品或服务 厦门ktv音响厂家,专业音响,专业KTV音响,舞台音响设备,专业音箱设备,专业音箱
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