首页> 揭阳八喜五金塑料制品厂 > 供求信息> The supply of production drawer slide

更新时间: 2023/10/11 10:38:17

Baxi hardware plastic products factory specializing in furniture hardware, drawer rails, stainless steel hinge and a variety of hardware, our factory well-known in the domestic for the furniture hardware production. Here introduce you the design features of drawer guide rail: 1,The medium of the guide used 2.0 thickness material and the widest guide width, guide rail has installed anti-collision glue to ensure bearing strength and To the best of push-pull effect,and robust in the medium guide. 2, By SGS testing,eighty thousand times and 40 kg push-pull have no damage, side plate 86 mm high, plus the bar height to 160 mm. 3, Width can be free designed, automatic error adjustment, fast installation disassembly, 3 d panel to adjust, also can choose wooden lagging or steel back fashion personalized design. If you have any demands please telephone contact us, we will serve you wholeheartedly. Development with you hand in hand, create brilliance! Drawer guide rail ,stainless steel hinge, www.baxiwj.com











JIEYANG BAXI HARDWARE SERIES:Specializing in the production ball slide,drawer slide,Stainless steel hinge,Stainles......
企业类型 个体经营 经营模式 -
注册资本 88万人民币 员工人数 1-50
企业注册地 广东-揭阳 经营方向 采购
成立时间 2004 主营行业 五金工具-门窗五金-滑轨
主要经营地点 蓝城区磐东街道办事处谭角市区
主营产品或服务 ball slide,drawer slide,不锈钢导轨

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