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更新时间: 2023/10/11 10:38:17

What Blind hinge is? Also need to pay attention to choose blind hinge hardware products. Below to introduce the common sense of choose and buy of blind hinge. 1, Surface: whether level off, have a look at the product surface materials such as saw row form, is produced with waste (scrap), This kind of hinge ugly appearance, make you no class furniture. Surface most of the hinge is nickel plating, and now because of the cost lower, Only a thin layer of nickel plating is in front of the hinge ,should nickel layer be a layer of acid copper plating that can very good rust protection. Tips: to teach everyone a points Tell whether it‘s exist or not make a draw by a art knife ,see whether there is yellow copper layer, and one more method, is look at the inside of hinge , in general, there is the hardest place to plating, if glass show black iron or balck water, that means plating Layer is very thin, if glass color brightness and close to other areas,it’s pass the test,Isn‘t it simple? 2, Switch performance all know the key of hinge is a role, the key is take on hinge‘s outer spring and inner spring, and rivet Assembly spring is leaf spring, inner spring is springstay, they all needs go through certain heat。 Tip: While buying hinge,close hinge manually, listen to the sounds of hinge close’s voice,the hinge is good if that voice is clear, if the voice sounds dull, it prove that the spring is not strong enough, and there is something wrong with the material thickness. Whether there is loose?the loose is proving that rivet riveting is not tight, easy to fall off. Close a few times to see cup indentation,if it‘s obvious, means there is something wrong with the cup material thickness. 3, Screws: general hinge comes with two screws。Adjusting screw tips: using little more strength to adjust the screw up and down for three to four times,look at the hinge arm’s tooth, whether it‘s got damage, hinge’s arm is iron material molding, not as hard as screw, and if the factory when tapping precision is not enough, the screw is easy to slippery, or twist situation. adjusting the screw from front to back is also in such a test. What have you learned for the above introduction?For purchasing reasonable price and high quality blind hinge, our company is your best choice!











JIEYANG BAXI HARDWARE SERIES:Specializing in the production ball slide,drawer slide,Stainless steel hinge,Stainles......
企业类型 个体经营 经营模式 -
注册资本 88万人民币 员工人数 1-50
企业注册地 广东-揭阳 经营方向 采购
成立时间 2004 主营行业 建筑建材-门窗五金-合页铰链
主要经营地点 蓝城区磐东街道办事处谭角市区
主营产品或服务 ball slide,drawer slide,不锈钢导轨

The supply of production Stainless steel hinge相关产品推荐

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