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最后更新时间: 2013/10/18 10:59:47

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发货地 广东-揭阳
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Stainless Steel Door Stopper

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Stainless Steel Door Stopper

Drawer guide rail, also known as line rail, slide rail, linear guide, linear slide rail, used for straight line reciprocating movement, has higher rated load than the straight line bearing,
Can assume certain torque at the same time, can achieve high precision linear motion under the condition of high load,however we all know the range of application of the drawer guide rail is
maggiore, here will introduce you of fixed components in the application
Drawer guide rail there are a lot of fixed original components, the original components is very important, the original components is to facilitate the precise guide rail splicing and commissioning, we
divided this course as red guide rough alignment and fine guide tight alignment. But these links and steps is very important.
We used Drawn steel wire method for the drawer slide rough alignment, we place the slider on the rail, the slide block device with a scale reading microscope, and microscope lens
Aim at continuous wire that diameter is 0.3 mm, the way is very common, also very commonly used. These original fixed componentss size set is very accurate. Because of the effection is very good, now more and more on the ball screw has been widespread used.
To improve positioning accuracy of CNC machine tools and the motion stability, the numerical control machine is currently on the nc machine tool has been widely used plastic guide. The friction factor
Small And dynamic,static friction factor is close, it can avoid low speed crawl phenomenon due to the smaller coefficient of friction, and the higher efficiency, sports, good stability Resistance to wear
Good, have the smooth function and vibration resistance The resistance is also very important, good chemical stability; Simple process, low capital. Got satisfactory performance
Our company adhering to the principle of excellent quality, honesty and credit business, provide product warranty original quality goods, good quality, reasonable price, fast delivery, and to
Professional technical support, excellent after-sales service, to solve technical problems for you. Looking forward to cooperate happily!
Drawer guide rail stainless steel hinge, www.baxiwj.com











JIEYANG BAXI HARDWARE SERIES:Specializing in the production ball slide,drawer slide,Stainless steel hinge,Stainles......
企业类型 个体经营 经营模式 -
注册资本 88万人民币 员工人数 1-50
企业注册地 广东-揭阳 经营方向 采购
成立时间 2004 主营行业 五金工具-门窗五金-拉手
主要经营地点 蓝城区磐东街道办事处谭角市区
主营产品或服务 ball slide,drawer slide,不锈钢导轨

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